solo landscape exhibition /museon

Solo exhibition of landscape sculptures in “Museon park”, Moscow

“On its birthday on July 14, the park of arts received a magnificent gift: an exhibition of three new sculptures by Olga Muravina, a graduate of the Moscow Art Institute. IN AND. Surikova and participants of numerous Russian and international exhibitions.
Meet the new inhabitants of the park: “Rabbit”, “Rhino” and “Kid”. Lyrical, graceful and naive – they will not leave anyone indifferent. The exhibits are installed on the main alley, opposite the entrance to the New Tretyakov Gallery.
In her work, sculptor Olga Muravina is inspired by sincerity and the search for new forms and images. Her works are in private collections in Russia, Israel, USA, Italy, Germany, France, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Spain.


Музей Парка Горького в Instagram: «Вы уже наверняка видели новые скульптуры в парке Музеон : Заяц, Носорог, Малыш? 😍 Как создавались их образы? Что вдохновляло автора? Об…»

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